Tuesday 5 December 2017

Basics of Trademark: What to Know (Noções básicas de marca registrada: o que saber)

You should make sure that if you are looking into getting something trademarked that you know the basics. This is basically a symbol, name or word that is adopted and then used by a specific company to distinguish and identify their products. These are also symbols for the reputation, goodwill and identity of these businesses and are often used during purchasing decisions by the consumer. Make sure that if you want a trademark that you visit the IP advisors São Paulo to get any advice. 

Starting Out 

When you are just starting out you should make sure to visit with a IP law firm São Paulo (ip escritório de advocacia São Paulo) where they can tell you what you will need. You need to have an appropriate strategy to ensure that you can get the process done. If you are simply choosing a business name, then you only have to research the names in the area, but if you are using a symbol, phrase or words, then you need to research the database further. You also need to determine exactly where it will be used, which could be globally or locally, and how important it is to have it trademarked.

Use It 

All of the IP law firm São Paulo will tell you that if you get a trademark, then you need to use it. If you don’t use it, then you might be at risk of losing it. These need to be in use and consistently and prominently appear on any services or goods that your company is offering. You should ensure that if you have one that you are putting the word, symbol or name into use so that you can keep it. If you need help in this area, then you should make sure to contact the experts. 


Another thing that the IP advisors São Paulo (IP assessores São Paulo) can inform you is that there isn’t anyone who is policing this area. This means that you have to be aware of those who are trying to use the same items that you have already trademarked. Enforcement of the trademark can be expensive to fight and monetary rewards aren’t always immediate, but you need to weigh the value over the long term for having a protectable and strong symbol for your company. The lawyers would be able to help you do this, but you should ensure that you are looking out for your own company as well.

Trademark can be a complicated area, especially if you don’t know anything about it. You need to make sure that you know just what it can cover and the process that would need to be undertaken. There are different steps of research that should be done depending on where it will be used. Also, you need to ensure that you are using it on all of your products so that you don’t lose it. You would also need to watch out for people who are trying to infringe on your trademark and take the required action, which would be based on your needs and wants.

For more information please visit: http://br.moellerip.com/

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